Yes! I want to Support
My Dogs' Health From Their Nose
to Their Tail With Wild Belly...
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Ivy League Scientists Uncover
The Surprising Reason Why Some Dogs Stay Healthy Into Their Teens
These Two Golden Retrievers Are
The Exact Same Age...

Live in nearly identical homes...
And eat almost the exact same diet...
Yet when it comes to their health...
They couldn’t be more different.
Blake, the Golden you see on the left...
Meanwhile Charlie, who’s the Golden you see on the right...
By all appearances it seems like Charlie will enjoy several additional years of amazing health.
So how can this be?
What’s the reason that two dogs who are the same age,
the same breed, and who even eat the same diet...
Can Be In Such Drastically
Different Levels Of Health?

Until recently, no one had a good answer...
But now, all of that’s changed...
Thanks to a breakthrough discovery from scientists at UCLA, UC San Diego and Princeton University...
That’s revealed a surprising, yet previously overlooked culprit...
Behind nearly every single health challenge our dogs face...
From allergies and stiff shedding, anxiety, and even aggression.
It’s not inflammation...or cancer...or bad gut bacteria...
Instead, it’s a single biochemical process that happens inside every single cell of your dog’s body over 1 billion times per second...
And, as you’re about to see...
If this process goes haywire...
Which typically starts happening around your dog’s second birthday...
It doesn’t just lead to immediately noticeable health issues for your dog...
It leads to physical aging itself.
Hey, it’s
Mark Reese here...

And inside this report I’m going to share exactly what this hidden culprit is...
Along with the one single action you can do immediately...
To give your dog the chance at 2, 3, or even 4 more years of exceptional health during their life.
That’s a big promise I know...
But this is something that is already being used by dog owners across the U.S...
To drastically transform virtually every aspect of their dog’s health...
No matter if their dog is 2 years old right now...8 years old...or 14 years old.
In fact, thousands of dog owners across this country have followed the simple and actionable advice inside this free report...
And they’ve been amazed
to find that the dogs they love:
- Have noticeably more energy when it’s time for a walk or to play - yet they also act calmer and less anxious at home (even when there are visitors or guests).
- Are less bothered by joint issues or pain... as their mobility increases and they have an easier time once-again jumping onto the couch, or running up the stairs...
- See their digestive issues simply vanish - with messy poops, horrible gas, and nauseating breath just no longer being a “thing.”
- Exhibit less aggression, stop yelping, whining, and barking... and no longer do weird stuff like trying to eat other dog’s poop or grass...
- Experience a healthier, shinier, and more luxurious looking coat than ever before - with no more red patches, allergies, rashes, itchiness, or incessant licking.
And while these changes to their dog’s physical appearance and behavior can seem incredible...
This barely scratches the surface of what this anti-aging breakthrough I’m about to share can do for your dog.
My shepherd Lanny had the worst problems with shedding. His fur was all over the house and the skin on his underbelly was rash. I’d tried everything but it seemed hopeless. Then I read your report and tried what you recommended. Within a few weeks, Lanny’s coat was dramatically better and he hasn’t had a rash since!
Linda L.
I’m always super wary of anything I read online. But I didn’t know what else to do for Lola. Shortly after turning three, I noticed some disturbing changes in her. She was acting anxious any time we left the house, and she became aggressive towards strangers and kids. Training and positive reinforcement of her behavior didn’t make a difference, and it was really scaring me. After reading the research you published online though, things are back to normal. It only took me like 30 seconds each day, but Lola is back to being her old self. Thank you.
Michelle R.
When Cooper turned 9 I noticed a big difference in his energy. He was sleeping more and you could tell his hindlegs were bothering him. He was still the sweetest dog, but it seemed like he was nearing the end of the road. Then I visited your website and did what you said. It’s been truly-amazing to see how Cooper’s health has changed ever since. He’s running around like a puppy again, and our whole family is so thankful.
Terry P.
Those are just a few of the dozens of stories I get each month from people just like you...
Folks who are using the simple, natural breakthrough I share inside this report...
To totally revitalize the health of the dogs they love...
And I can’t wait for you to join them...
So let’s jump right in.
How One Anti-Aging Expert Became Obsessed With Understanding Why Our Dogs’ Bodies Start To Break Down

Hey, like I mentioned my name is Mark Reese...
I am a researcher who’s spent the last 23 years focused on cellular health in mammals...
And it’s fair to say that I’ve dedicated much of my adult life to this work...
Especially in the field of anti-aging...
Where my job is to try and understand how “getting old” happens...
Along with what, if anything, we can do about it.
During my career I’ve been lucky enough to take part in many exciting breakthroughs...
But what I’ll be sharing with you today definitely tops the list...
Because it’s a discovery that could potentially give your dog several more years of good health...
Which means:
- More morning walks through the neighborhood...
- More joyful jumps to greet you when you come home after a long day...
- More loving licks and wagging tails...
- More evenings cuddled together on the couch...
- More happy memories...
- And a lot more love...

I can’t think of any dog owner who wouldn’t want more of those things...
Especially when our dogs already give us so much...
Making every day just a little bit better and more joyful...
Never judging us... never holding grudges...
Simply accepting and loving us for who we are.
And while our dogs give selflessly to us while asking for very little in return...
Today, I want to share
how you can give your dog
one of the greatest gifts of all:
The chance at more healthy, thriving years...
And this is something that you can do for any pup...
Regardless of if they’re still a “youngin” who’s 1 or 2 years-old...
They’re middle aged...
Or your dog is a certified senior...
And what’s even better about this gift I’m about to share...
Is that once you give it to the dog or dogs in your life...
You’ll see the difference
that it makes right away:

Achy and tender joints can appear to quickly get better - with your dog once again energetically running around, rolling, leaping, and wanting to play...

Skin issues and allergies could clear up quickly... leaving your dog’s coat appearing fuller and shinier (as if it’s being routinely conditioned)...

Digestive issues might soon disappear...putting an end to messy poops, indoor accidents, and nauseating gas...

And don’t be surprised if many other aspects of your dog’s behavior change for the better too... as they become less anxious and less aggressive.
Those are big promises I know...
But they’re based on real stories from the thousands of dog owners who have followed the advice inside this report...
And everything I’m about to share comes from places like UCLA, Princeton, and UC San Diego...
Where their cutting-edge research is turning what we thought we knew about canine aging on its head...
After revealing a previously unknown reason why our dogs’ health breaks down...
Along with the amazingly simple action we can take TODAY...
To help keep our pups acting and feeling younger for longer.
Personally, I Just Wish This Research
Had Come Out Sooner...

Because if it had...
Then maybe I could have enjoyed more quality years with my labrador retriever Lacey.
You see, shortly after Lacey’s 8th birthday I noticed a big change...
She went from a curious, energetic, and loving pup...
To a dog who struggled to keep up on our nightly walks...
And whose energy had vanished.
At first I thought maybe Lacey just wasn’t feeling well...
But when she didn’t get better after a few weeks, I took her to the vet...
And he just said that Lacey wasn’t a young pup anymore...
That it was normal for an 8 year old dog to start slowing down...
And that while I could try supplements or changing Lacey’s diet...
I shouldn’t get my hopes up.
It was hard to hear that...
But honestly, the vet was right...
Because I did try everything I could think of to help Lacey get better...
Yet she never went back to being her old self.

Eventually, Lacey died...
And while I was so thankful to have had her in my life...
After her death I couldn’t stop wondering if I could have done more for Lacey...
Or if there was something I could still do for the millions of dog owners across the United States right now...
Who will one day have to helplessly watch as their beloved four legged companions slow down and silently suffer.
What is this discovery?
It has to do with something called methylation...
And while you may not have heard that term before...
Methylation is a biochemical process that controls how cells in the body function.
The way it works...
Is that up to a billion times per second...
Tiny organic compounds, called methyls, travel throughout the body of animals (including dogs and humans)...
Telling their cells, and even their DNA, how to act.
In other words...

These methyls act like floating “instruction manuals” for your cells...
And when these instruction manuals become “messed up”...
Which can happen for a variety of reasons that I’ll talk more about in a second...
It means that your cells start receiving “bad directions”...
Which causes them to stop functioning properly...
Or even, sometimes, to become destroyed.
It’s for this reason that the world’s leading anti-aging scientists have
all become obsessed with methylation...
Because they’ve realized that by looking at how well methylation is working inside the body...
It gives them a much clearer picture of how old an individual actually is...
Compared to just counting that individual’s age in years.
And intuitively, you can probably understand why this is true...
Because we all know two humans who are the same “age”...
Yet who are at very different levels of health...
And the same thing is true for canines too:
You can have two dogs that are the same breed and the same age...
Yet one of them will be full of energy and appear perfectly healthy...
While the other has already begun to slow down...

Perhaps walking with a limp...

Shedding constantly...

Having low-energy
and acting depressed...

Dealing with recurring rashes
and skin issues...
And while you might think that it’s a stretch for me to be talking about this methylation process in dogs...
Surprisingly, it has become one of the hottest areas in all of anti-aging research.
For example, in 2022...
Dr. Steve Horvath and a team of scientists from UCLA and the National Institutes of Health looked at 93 different dog breeds...
Trying to understand why some dogs live so much longer than others...
And they found that while things like average height and weight weren’t good predictors for how long a dog was likely to live...
One thing that could predict their lifespan was methylation.
It makes sense...
Because remember what methylation means:
It means that a billion times per second...
Tiny floating instruction manuals are sent to the cells in your dog’s body...
And when these instruction manuals have the wrong information:
Fur cells, skin cells, organ cells, joint cells, bone cells, brain cells - none of these things function like they should...
Which can lead to your dog’s health breaking down in a hurry.
And that study from Dr. Horvath is just one of several big pieces of research now emerging.
Because an all star team of scientists from UC San Diego, UC Davis, and the University of Pittsburgh recently found the same thing to be true.

They looked at methylation levels in 104 Labrador retrievers who ranged from a few weeks to 16 years old...
And not only did the research team find that when methylation gets screwed up, your dog’s health gets worse...
They also realized that in general...
Methylation goes haywire earlier in the lives of dogs when compared to humans.
So while we humans age slowly over a long-period of time...
By your dog’s second birthday...
The cells in their joints, skin, organs, and bones can begin to rapidly age...
And that’s why puppies tend to slow down between the ages of 12 and 24 months.
It’s not just that your dog is “maturing”...
But because the “instruction manuals” your dog’s cells need to be healthy are starting to contain the wrong information.
So after the age of two...
It turns out that there’s ONE single step that you can take today...
And it’s something that’s very easy and inexpensive to do.
What is it?
It has to do with a vitamin that researchers have continuously found to support a healthy methylation process in our dogs...
Which means that when your dog gets enough of this vitamin in their diet...
It helps the cells in your dogs bones, joints, fur, skin, and vital organs all function optimally...
So that your dog is able to thrive.
This vitamin is called Folate...

But don’t go jumping off this page to search for it on Amazon or at the grocery store...
Because while folate is sometimes added to commercial dog foods and supplements...
And can be found in food sources like leafy greens, beans, peanuts, sunflower seeds, some whole grains, and liver...
Simply adding folate-rich foods, or a folate supplement, to your dog’s diet is very unlikely to give them the cellular support they need.
The reason why is pretty simple:
Folate is extremely sensitive to heat, exposure to air, and even sunlight...
Which means it’s “zapped out” of processed dog foods like kibble...
And even healthier (and more expensive) food choices aren’t much better...
Because one study found that dehydration can reduce folate levels in food by a staggering 50%...
While other studies have shown that the longer a food is cooked, the less folate is retained (even in veggies!)...
And that adding heat to foods can lower folate levels by as much as 86%!
Meanwhile, a raw food diet
isn’t the answer either...
Because, like I mentioned, folate is very sensitive to exposure to air and even sunlight...
And by the time the fruits, roots, seeds, vegetables, and organs in a raw food diet make it to your dog...
They’ve been exposed to the open-air and UV rays for weeks, or even months...
Which means they simply may not have enough folate inside them to help support healthy methylation in your dog.
That’s why I said not to rush off and go order some new dog food or supplement... or to head to the grocery store...
Because if you really want to optimize methylation in your dog...
While supporting cellular health across their entire body...

It all starts in your dog’s gut.
You see, numerous studies from some of the most respected scientists in the world...
Have all found that certain strains of healthy, beneficial bacteria...
Can drastically increase natural folate production in your dog’s gut...
Which leads to:

A healthier and shinier coat...

Less joint irritation...

Fewer Allergies...

Significantly More Energy...

Less anxiety and aggression...

And better digestion as a result...
So what are these healthy and beneficial bacteria?
Well at the most basic level, they are probiotics...
But NOT just any probiotics...
Instead, what we’re talking about here is very specific strains that your dog needs in his or her gut...
And you can’t just find these probiotics
in most dog foods or supplements
that are in stores or sold online...
Because while I’m sure most pet companies mean well...
They often seem to ignore the fact that our dog’s gut is very different from our own...
So even when these companies do add probiotics to their foods or supplements...
It can often be the wrong kind or the wrong dosages...
Or they’ll add these probiotics in forms that were designed for humans instead of dogs.
Also, in some very unfortunate cases...
Major dog food companies even mislabel their products.
For example...
In one recent study...
Researchers reviewed 19 major commercial pet food brands...
And found that literally ZERO of these products contained probiotic levels matching what was on their label...
While several of these brands had NO probiotics at all, despite advertising to consumers that they did.
So I can’t stress how important this is:
- The #1 marker of health problems and aging in dogs is poor methylation...
- The way you optimize methylation is by supporting your dog’s natural folate production...
- And this requires very specific, dog-friendly strains of healthy probiotic bacteria...
Make sense?
Okay so what are the dog-friendly strains of healthy probiotic bacteria I actually recommend?
The first one is called L. plantarum...

Which is found in several fermented foods like pickles, kimchi, olives, and sausage.
L. plantarum was proven to be a “folate-producing strain” of probiotic bacteria in a major 2011 study...
Along with an important animal study published in the Journal Nutrients in 2019...
And an even more recent study from 2022.
Remember: Folate is the key to optimizing methylation and supporting your dog’s cellular health...
And since L. plantarum increases folate production in the guts of animals...
You’d expect that getting more of this dog-friendly probiotic strain into your dog’s diet...
Would lead to noticeable differences in their health, right?
Well that’s exactly what the scientific research shows...
Because in a double-blind and placebo controlled study on 60 dogs published in 2016...
Dogs whose diets were supplemented with a special form of L. plantarum...
Were found to be calmer and to have significantly fewer disease-carrying germs in their poop...

While a 2022 study conducted by 12 veterinary health experts...
Found that high levels of L. plantarum in the guts of dogs was associated with all kinds of major health benefits...
Like significantly lower inflammatory markers...less risk of salmonella in their blood...and a much stronger immune system...
Meanwhile, in yet another 2022 study...
Scientists found that when L. plantarum was added to the diets of dogs...
They became significantly less aggressive...
And had much lower levels of separation anxiety...
In just 14 days.
Now in addition to L. plantarum...
The next dog-friendly probiotic strain
I recommend for your dog is B. longum...

Because a major 2020 study out of Georgetown University found that B. longum supports healthy methylation...
Which led the scientists behind the study to recommend that B. longum be given to animals with allergies and other immune issues.
B. longum has been proven by numerous studies to support natural folate production in the gut too...,,
And meanwhile...
When it comes to the day-to-day health of your dog...
In a big randomized and controlled trial from 2020...
Researchers found that when a canine-friendly strain of B. longum was added to dog’s diets...
They had significantly healthier skin, fewer rashes and lesions, and shinier, healthier coats after just four weeks...
While the dogs whose diets weren’t supplemented with B. longum saw no improvements...
And in yet another major study...

It was found that getting the right form of B. longum into your dog’s diet...
Supports their metabolism, mood, digestion, anxiety levels, and more.
Okay so L plantarum and B longum are clearly very important when it comes to increasing folate and supporting your dog’s overall health...
But what about your dog’s joints?
Well, for dogs who suffer from soreness, joint pain, or poor mobility...
This next canine-friendly bacteria strain I’m recommending will be especially important.
It’s called L. Casei...

And dating all the way back to 1972...
Legendary Yale scientists L.H. Bernstein published several landmark studies showing that L. casei increased methylation levels in dogs.,
Meanwhile, in more modern times...
Multiple randomized clinical trials have found that L. casei supplementation can significantly improve markers of joint swelling and discomfort...,
And scientists have also found that L. casei gives dogs even better joint support when combined with a fourth dog-friendly probiotic strain called L. acidophilus...
Which is why I recommend getting this healthy type of good bacteria into your dog’s diet as well.
Alright, so the four dog-friendly
strains of folate-producing probiotics
I’ve talked about so far are:
L plantarum, B. longum, L. casei, and L. acidophilus...
And in addition to those I also recommend:
L. rhamnosus, B. breve, and B. subtilis...
Along with a very unique strain called Saccharomyces Boulardii...

I won’t overload you with more science about these strains..
Just understand that each one I’ve mentioned is backed by numerous studies, and a whole lot of published research...
Which is why I truly believe that adding them into your dog’s diet...
In the right combination and the right quantities...
Is one of the single most important things you can do for your dog’s health both today, and in the years to come.
So how do you do that?
Well one option is to spend the next 6 weeks contacting scientific laboratories and commercial food manufacturers from across the world...
Then spending literally tens-of-thousands of dollars...
To source the best and most dog-friendly versions of each strain I’ve just shared with you.
After that, you could set up an impromptu chemistry lab in your garage...
Where you run months of trial-and-error experiments...
In an attempt to blend all of these probiotics strains together in the right amounts...
That way these strains help your dog to produce optimal levels of folate and support methylation...
Without throwing their gut out of balance and making their health worse.
Don’t worry, I know how ridiculous all that sounds...
Which is why I’m very happy
to tell you that there is
a much easier way..
Methylation is the crucial process in your pup’s body that keeps them healthy from nose-to-tail...
But your dog needs a vitamin called folate in order to optimize methylation...
And the best way to help your dog get enough folate....
Is by supplementing their diet with very specific, dog-friendly strains of healthy probiotic bacteria...
I couldn’t help but think of Lacey...

My beloved labrador who I’d lost too soon.
Seeing her suffer...
The way her health had evaporated suddenly and rapidly...
How she would just lay there in her dog bed, looking up at me with those sad but loving eyes...
As if she was asking for my help... telling me that she needed me to be there for her...
While I remained powerless to save her...
It was one of the worst experiences of my life...
And all I could think of was how maybe, if I’d known about all this research sooner...
Things would have been different.
It’s too late for my Lacey... I know...
But I also know that it is NOT too late
for the tens-of-millions
of dog owners across America...
Who would do anything to give their pups the chance at the healthiest, best life possible...
Regardless of if their dog is still just a few years old...
Or they’re in their so-called sunset years already, and they’re showing the signs of their old age.
And that’s why I decided to do
all of the things I mentioned above...
- Spending months contacting scientific laboratories, commercial kitchens, experts in bacteriology...
- Speaking with the world’s leading experts in food chemistry and nutritional formulas...
- And investing over $230,000 of my own money...
To create a first of its kind, bacon-flavored formula...
That contains the perfect balance of EACH of the specific dog-friendly bacteria strains I’ve told you about today.
It's Called
Wild Belly

And I am SO excited to share this with you today...
Because already, since making this breakthrough formula available to the public...
Wild Belly has been revolutionizing and transforming the health of dogs across the United States...
Regardless of their age or their breed...
And bringing new hope
to their human owners too...
I rescued my dog Thunder from the shelter two years ago. He was always a bit overweight and always seemed tired. Since putting one scoop of Wild Belly into his food each day, I’ve seen some remarkable changes. Not only is Thunder a healthy weight now, but he’s got so much more energy too. The best part though is how much better he is with strangers. He’s not barking or acting crazy whenever we have visitors to the house anymore, and he just seems much less anxious.
Kayla B.
I began sharing Wild Belly with my girl Sheeki after she had a knee injury. She’s normally a picky eater but not with this - she loves the flavor. And I have to say that her joints have improved dramatically. I also started giving Wild Belly to my two other dogs, and I’m noticing a big difference in them too. They’re calmer when it’s time to relax, and have plenty of energy when it’s time to go outside and play. I’m especially impressed with the difference it’s made with our 11 year old boxer - he’s acting like a puppy again!
Mike R.
A few months ago I noticed a bald spot on my bulldog. I have no idea what happened, though when I Googled it they said it was seasonal alopecia so maybe that was it? All I know is that he looked awful and I felt terrible. After coming across Wild Belly, I decided to give it a try. I wasn’t sure if it would work, but the difference has been night and day. Within a week some of his fur was growing back, and after a month his coat has never looked better. I’m very impressed.
Sherly P.
I love hearing stories like this
from dog parents across the country... And I’m happy to report that
using Wild Belly couldn’t be easier...
It comes in a small, resealable container with a small scoop inside.
And depending on the size of your dog...
All you have to do is sprinkle 1/2... 1... or 2 scoops of these delicious naturally bacon-flavored scoops on top of their food once-per day...
And you’re good to go.
It’s so simple...

And yet taking this one little but vital action the dog or dogs that you love...
Could make such a difference in their lives...
Giving them more energy to play with your family or other dogs at the park...
Settling their stomachs and fixing their digestive problems...
Soothing their itchy skin...
Making their allergies and rashes noticeably better...
And helping with their mobility and comfort.

You could be amazed by just how quickly
Wild Belly gives you back your dog...
And with these delicious bacon flavored scoops that your pup will actually WANT to eat...
Supporting their health on a cellular level...
Simply couldn’t be easier.
NO mess...
NO preparation...
And NO cleanup.
Plus it doesn’t matter what you feed your dog either...
Kibble... wet food... raw food... or some combination of the three...
Just sprinkle a scoop of Wild Belly on top of their food and watch as they ravenously devour it.
I’m telling you, your dog will love it...
And even though the whole process only takes about 30 seconds...
You should know that you’ll be giving your dog something so important:
A chance to enjoy the most health-filled years of life possible..
Wild Belly contains no fillers, no artificial ingredients and no preservatives...
Each jar is made right here in the United States...
In an FDA Registered, state-of-the-art facility that has been certified for Good Manufacturing Practices...
And I even have an independent third party test each batch of Wild Belly that we make...
Making sure that it’s free of any contaminants...
Which means what you see on the label of Wild Belly is what’s actually inside...but nothing else.

And you want to know the best part?
Because Wild Belly started as a passion project of mine...
A way to honor my dog Lacey’s memory...
While giving others the chance to experience more healthy years with the pups they love...
I’ve made sure that every jar of Wild Belly is extremely affordable...
Even if that means not making very much profit as a result.
This isn’t about me, it’s about you and the dog or dogs that you love.
So while of course Wild Belly isn’t cheap to make...
Especially since it contains 8 specific strains of dog-friendly probiotic bacteria...
And you can’t find all those blends in most dog foods or supplements...
When I first decided to make Wild Belly available to the public...
I was thinking of setting the price to $89 for a single jar.
Considering that this is just $3 per day...
Which is less than the price of a single cup of coffee...

I knew that most dog owners would think it was fair, especially once they saw for themselves how transformational Wild Belly could be for their dog.
I still think $89 for a single jar is reasonable, however...
I also know that many people who are reading this report probably have more than one dog...
Which means they’re going to want to get multiple jars of Wild Belly...
I knew that I’d need to come down on the price of Wild Belly even more.
And that’s why for a limited time only, while supplies last...
You’re not going to have to pay $89 or even $69 for one month’s supply of Wild Belly.
Instead, it’s just $49 for a single jar...
And when you do what the vast majority of our customers do...
Which is to order the 6 jar package...
The price goes down to just $29 per jar.
Yes! I want to Support
My Dogs' Health From Their Nose
to Their Tail With Wild Belly...
Starter Pack
Best Value Pack
Popular Pack
I’m only able to offer this multi-jar discount because I save a lot of money on shipping when I send out several jars at once...
But I’m glad I can...
Because I know that so many people have multiple dogs...
And also...
I realize that a lot of folks want the safety and security that comes from knowing they’re “stocked up” on Wild Belly for at least the next few months...
Especially when you consider how
out-of-stocks are always
a very real concern with Wild Belly...
You see...
Since so many dog owners have come to rely on Wild Belly to keep their dogs healthy, happy and energetic for a lifetime...
And they keep coming back to our website to order more and more of this stuff...
It can be very hard to keep Wild Belly on the shelves...
And all the global supply chain issues that have happened over the past few years only make things worse.
That’s why picking the six jar package is by far our most popular option...
And to make stocking up even easier for you...

When you choose the 6 or 3 jar supply today...
I’m also including Free US Shipping...
Which saves you at least $9.99...
So go ahead and grab your supply of Wild Belly right away.
Yes! I want to Support
My Dogs' Health From Their Nose
to Their Tail With Wild Belly...
Starter Pack
Best Value Pack
Popular Pack
I must remind you that this offer is ONLY available on this page...
But when you take action today, you’ll be GRANDFATHERED into this low monthly price no matter how much we raise the price of Wild Belly in the future.
So now...
All that’s left is for you to go ahead and select the 6-month package or whichever package works best for you and your dog.
After choosing your package, you’ll be taken to a secure order form...
Where you’ll just enter your shipping and billing information.
And this whole website is backed by 256-bit encryption security...
Which is the same level of security you find on sites like Amazon, so your information is always protected.
Once you submit your order, Wild Belly will be shipped to you immediately.
And you should have it in about 3-5 business days!
Then, Once Your Package
Shows Up On Your Doorstep,
Here’s What I Want You To Do

Carefully assess your dog's current health... have they vomited recently or had diarrhea?
Are they itching and scratching?
Does their fur feel coarse and dry, and is their coat dull?
How are their joints and energy levels?
Are they moody and aggressive?
Maybe take a picture.
Then scoop the appropriate amount of Wild Belly over their food once a day.
After that...
I want you to watch as your dog becomes healthier, happier, more energetic, and more active right before your eyes.
Take special note of their most troubling health issues.
Their bowel movements, their skin, and their coat.
And I know it may sound funny... but smell their breath.
That’s how you’ll KNOW that Wild Belly is working for them.
And if you’re like most dog owners, you’ll see some pretty remarkable changes.
Oh, and one more important thing you should know...
All orders of Wild Belly Come with a
90-Day Money-Back Guarantee
That means you have a full 3 MONTHS to try Wild Belly risk-free...
This way you can put everything I’ve been saying here to the test.
Either Wild Belly works wonders for your dog...
And you’re thrilled with this decision...
Or I’ll give you back every single penny.
So while the overwhelming majority of dog owners have been reporting remarkable transformations in their pups since using Wild Belly...
If for any reason at all you’re not one of them...
Simply send an email to our support team at [email protected] telling us that Wild Belly just wasn’t right for you...
And we’ll return every single dime of your investment, no questions asked.
That email I just shared will also be given on your order confirmation page, we’ll email it to you, and you’ll find it on the label of every package you get from us too...
So don’t worry, you’ll know exactly how to contact us from day one...
And this is truly an UNCONDITIONAL guarantee.
What that means is that you won’t be asked any questions... there won’t be any hassle... and you don’t have to prove anything...
If Wild Belly doesn’t do everything you’re hoping that it will, and more...
Just send us a message within 3-months of your order, and you’ll get every single dime of your investment back.
This is my way of making this completely risk-free, and taking all the pressure off of you...
I just want to help your dog, and offering this generous guarantee makes it super easy for you to try Wild Belly...
So go ahead and place your order today, while I still have supplies in stock.
Yes! I want to Support
My Dogs' Health From Their Nose
to Their Tail With Wild Belly...
Starter Pack
Best Value Pack
Popular Pack
I truly know you’re going to love how Wild Belly helps your dog...
And remember that this offer is ONLY available right here on this page...
Which is why you should act right now...
Because this low price will not be available forever.
So now that you know that when you order Wild Belly today, you’re getting the BEST possible discount...
Especially when you order the 6-month package...
And since you know that either way, you’re 100% protected by our unconditional 90-day guarantee...
Why not just “try” Wild Belly today?

I’ve already shown you the science proving that no matter what you feed your dog... whether it’s the most expensive kibble or fresh cuts of steak...
If you aren’t supporting the methylation process that’s happening inside their cells...
Which you do by giving them these dog-specific healthy bacteria strains that enable their guts to produce a crucial vitamin called folate...
It’s almost impossible to support their health as fully as you could.
So why take the chance?
Can you say with 100% certainty that you KNOW your dog is getting everything they need?
If yes, then that’s great!
But if you have any doubt at all...
Doesn’t it make sense to just “try” Wild Belly for yourself and SEE what a difference it can make for your dog?
Especially if they’ve been suffering from allergies or joint itches...rashes or shedding...or they seem anxious or even aggressive when they used to be calm?
To me, moving forward today is a no brainer...
But ultimately it’s up to you.
This report is now ending, and
you’ve got a decision to make...
You’re an adult and it’s your choice...
But just understand that if you don’t take action and get Wild Belly for your dog today...
There’s a very real chance that when you return to this website in the future...
You’ll find that the price per jar of Wild Belly has been raised...
Or that we’re out of stock for a few months...
And there won’t be anything I can do about it.

To me, it’s not worth risking any of that...
Which is why I want to invite you one last time...
To join me and countless others who are TRANSFORMING the health of our dogs every single day.
I know we all want to make sure our dogs are around for as long as possible...
And this is the simplest way I know to give your dog the best shot at a happy, healthy, long life.
So if you’re ready...
All you have to do is choose the 6-month package or whichever package makes the most sense to you below.
I can’t wait to hear how Wild Belly changes YOUR dog’s life.
Yes! I want to Support
My Dogs' Health From Their Nose
to Their Tail With Wild Belly...
Starter Pack
Best Value Pack
Popular Pack
Frequently Asked Questions
Still Here?
No problem, I know we just covered a lot.
To help you out, let me go ahead and answer some of the most common questions folks ask.
How does Wild Belly work again?
So the science behind why Wild Belly works (and why it was created) starts with a process called methylation.
Methylation is a biochemical process that controls how cells in the body function...
And the way it works...
Is that a billion times per second...
Tiny organic compounds, called methyls, travel throughout the body of animals (including dogs and humans)...
Telling their cells, and even their DNA, how to act.
In other words...
These methyls act like floating “instruction manuals” for your cells...
And when these instruction manuals become “messed up”...
Which can happen for a variety of reasons that I’ll talk more about in a second...
It means that your cells start receiving “bad directions”...
Which causes them to stop functioning properly...
Or even, sometimes, to become destroyed.
This might sound kind of “technical”...
But countless studies and the world’s leading scientists all agree:
Methylation is the key to healthy aging in our dogs.
So how do you make sure the methylation process is optimized and your dog stays healthy from nose to tail?
It comes down to a vitamin called folate...
But it’s hard for your dog to get enough vitamin from their diet...
Which is why many experts recommend giving your pup specific, dog-friendly probiotics...
Because these healthy bacteria strains can help your dog to naturally produce more folate in their gut.
Wild Belly contains 8 of those strains of healthy bacteria...
And each one is has been shown in studies to do things like:
Supporting healthy methylation...
Supporting the production of folate in the guts of animals like dogs...
And to have numerous health benefits in dogs...
By supporting their joint health, fur, skin, moods, digestion, immune system and more.
What exactly is in Wild Belly?

This sounds incredible, but I’m not sure how many bottles to order. How long does it take to see results?
The severity of each dog’s symptoms will vary from dog to dog...
Some may just have a few minor issues that clear up quickly, while others may have been feeling unwell and getting sicker for years.
So it’s really hard to say for sure exactly how long your dog will need to experience the best results.
What I can tell you however is that a single bottle of Wild Belly will give you confidence that your dog is on the path to feeling better than they have in months...
Three bottles will do the same thing, while ensuring the healthy bacteria have more time to repopulate in your dog’s gut...
And six bottles of Wild Belly will give your dog everything he or she needs to get on top of Sterile Gut once and for all...
And stay protected for months, and even years, into the future.
All this is why we recommend choosing at least 6 bottles of Wild Belly.
Why haven’t I heard of this powerful health rejuvenating solution before?
So far a small yet exclusive group of dog owners have used Wild Belly with powerful results...
And I’m already starting to have a lot of interest from people worldwide who want their dog to become the latest success story...
So all of my time is spent trying to keep up with the demand we currently have.
And since TrueCanine is a relatively small company...
We’re perfectly fine with keeping things underground so as to better serve our existing clients.
Who is Wild Belly For?
Wild Belly is for anyone who cares about the health and wellbeing of their dog.
Because as Hippocrates — the founder of modern medicine — famously declared...
“All disease begins in the gut.”
And that’s just as true for our dogs as it is for us.
So no matter what type of disease, illness, or behavioral issues your dog is dealing with...
I’m confident that the ingredients in Wild Belly can help restore a natural balance to their gut health...
And in turn help to soothe problems or unusual behaviors.
And I fully believe that with Wild Belly...
Your dog will feel 10 times better and happier than they do right now, and will love you all the more for it.
And of course, if you’re not satisfied for any reason whatsoever...
You’re protected by our ironclad, 6-month 100% money back guarantee...
So when you think about it, you really have nothing to lose when you invest in Wild Belly today.
What happens once I click the button below?
Once you choose your package below, you’ll go to our 100% secure checkout page.
Then just enter your payment information and place your order.
After that you’ll receive Wild Belly in the next 5 business days...
Which means you’re less than a week away from helping to make your dog’s health issues a distant memory.
What are the terms of your 90 Day Guarantee again?
Can you remind me about your guarantee?
Absolutely. Wild Belly comes with a 90 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.
That means you order Wild Belly today...
Then have a full 3 months to decide if it’s right for you - that’s half a year!
But if you’re not THRILLED with your dog’s transformation for any reason...
Simply call or email our customer service team...
And we’ll refund your investment with zero questions asked.
The best part?
You don’t even need to go through the hassle of sending the bottles back.
This all means you truly have nothing to lose today when you get started.
How long will Wild Belly be available?
That’s hard to say.
My hope is that Wild Belly will make health problems a distant memory for dogs the world over...
But because pet care companies are furious about this solution...
It’s uncertain if I’ll be able to fight them off forever.
Not to mention that these ingredients are difficult to source...
And with the time it takes to manufacture each new batch, I can’t guarantee how much longer Wild Belly will be available to the public.
That’s why it is important you get Wild Belly today...
Especially since it comes with a 90 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee...
Which means there’s zero risk to you.
Alright I really want Wild Belly! What do I do now?
This part is simple!
Just click one of the buttons below and choose your package.
Then complete your order...
And Wild Belly will be in your hands in just five business days from now.
Plus there’s no risk because of my iron-clad 90-day guarantee!
This presentation is now ending...
And I want to say thank you for sticking with me all the way until the end...
As it truly shows a commitment to how much you love and care for your dog...
And would do anything to help your friend live a better and healthier life.
Go ahead and choose your package now...
Take Wild Belly as directed for at least 30 days...
And I cannot wait to hear about your success story!
Thank you for watching, and take care.
Mark Reese

WAIT! In Just...
I'll Reveal The Ivy League Discovery That Can Add 2, 3 Or Even 4 Years To Your Dog's Life!
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